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When may you cross a double solid white line in the middle of the road?

A To pass a road maintenance vehicle travelling at 10 mph or less.

You may cross the solid white line to pass a stationary vehicle, pedal cycle, horse or road maintenance vehicle if they are travelling at 10 mph or less. You may also cross the solid line to enter into a side road or access a property.

Related Information

Crossing a double solid white line in the middle of the road is an illegal maneuver that can often result in serious consequences. However, there are certain situations where it may be necessary to cross this line, such as when passing a stationary vehicle, pedal cycle, horse or road maintenance vehicle travelling at 10 mph or less. Additionally, crossing this line might also be required to enter into a side road or access property.

When deciding whether it is safe and legal to cross over the double solid lines on any given stretch of roadway, one should consider all factors involved before making their decision. Firstly, they must assess if there are any other vehicles present that could potentially impede their progress and cause an accident if they were to proceed with crossing over these lines; secondly, they must make sure that whatever object (vehicle etc.) which requires them to take such drastic action is indeed travelling at 10 mph or less - as anything faster than this would render them breaking traffic laws; finally, one should always consider alternative routes available which don’t involve crossing these lines so as not to put themselves unnecessarily at risk.

In conclusion, while it may sometimes seem like you have no choice but pass something moving slowly across the double solid white lanes, it pays off dividends for both your safety and peace of mind if you take time beforehand to evaluate possible alternatives paths open for you instead.



3 years ago

I love its graphics


3 years ago

This app helps me learn whilst being free. I can learn my weaknesses and aim to pass at higher score


3 years ago

Helping my daughter with the theory side of the test. Only wish we’d found it earlier on! Even I’m learning/getting reminded of what things mean again!

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