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.Plan your journey to include rest stops. This should ensure you don't become tired while driving and you arrive at your destination in good time.
Driving when you are tired greatly increases your risk of collision. To minimise this risk:
- make sure you are fit to drive. Do not begin a journey if you are tired. Get sufficient sleep before embarking on a long journey.
- avoid undertaking long journeys between midnight and 6 am, when natural alertness is at a minimum.
- plan your journey to take sufficient breaks. A minimum break of at least 15 minutes after every two hours of driving is recommended.
- if you feel sleepy, stop in a safe place. Do not stop in an emergency area or on a hard shoulder of a motorway.
4 years ago
I love its graphics
3 years ago
This app helps me learn whilst being free. I can learn my weaknesses and aim to pass at higher score
3 years ago
Helping my daughter with the theory side of the test. Only wish we’d found it earlier on! Even I’m learning/getting reminded of what things mean again!