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.The emergency services need to know your exact location so they can reach you as quickly as possible. Look for a number on the nearest marker post beside the hard shoulder. Give this number when you call the emergency services as it will help them to locate you. Be ready to describe where you are, for example, by reference to the last junction or service station you passed.
What is an Emergency Telephone on a motorway?
On the UK's motorway network, emergency telephones are typically orange and are located at regular intervals. These phones allow you to reach the police directly, who will then put you through to the Highways Agency Regional Control Centre. In regard to the phone you are using, the staff at the Highways Agency Regional Control Centre will ask you what happened and whereabouts your vehicle is. The control centre will then contact the nearest patrol to come to help you, along with any necessary emergency services.
How to Use an Emergency Telephone?
- You should make your way over to the emergency phone on your side of the road on foot.
- Following the arrows on the posts at the back of the hard shoulder is the simplest and fastest way to find an emergency phone.
- Don't worry, using an emergency phone won't cost you any money; it's free to use and connects directly to the Highways Agency or the police.
- Use the emergency phone instead of a mobile phone whenever possible because you will reach the right people more quickly, which means you will be located and assisted more quickly.
- Even if you are on the hard shoulder and making a call to request help, you should always face the traffic when speaking on the phone and be mindful of what is occurring on the motorway.
- Whether there was an accident or a breakdown, you should report all the circumstances to the Highways Agency or the police.
- Let the control centre know if there are passengers in your car who require special help so that they can try to give your call priority.
- Let the control centre know if you are traveling alone, and they will endeavor to give your call priority.
- When the call is over, you should always head back to where your car is parked. You should keep some space between you and your vehicle as you wait away from the carriageway. A live carriageway is an extremely hazardous location.
- Since you can't predict when assistance will arrive, it's important to keep yourself warm while you wait.
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