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Selecting a low gear when travelling downhill will help you to control your speed. The engine will assist the brakes and help prevent your vehicle gathering speed.
Engine braking is when you use your gears rather than your brakes to assist slow down your vehicle. You may slightly slow down your automobile without using the brakes by shifting into a lower gear. Engine braking is frequently employed while entering a lower speed limit zone or approaching an intersection.
Consider how an engine works to better comprehend engine braking. When you press the accelerator, you start your engine, causing all of its working parts to come to action. When you take your foot off the accelerator, the engine begins to brake.
Engines are naturally resistant to turning due to the effects of friction and compression. The combination of friction in the drive train and a general lack of air in your system will cause your automobile to decelerate from the moment you lift your foot off the accelerator. This is referred to as engine braking.
If you drive a manual vehicle, moving to a lower gear will increase the impact of engine braking. This will cause your engine to turn rapidly, increasing resistance throughout the drive train. As a result, your vehicle will slow down.
THE BENEFITS OF ENGINE BRAKINGWhether they realise it or not, all drivers rely on engine braking on time. However, there are several situations in which consciously relying on engine braking might provide you with better control behind the wheel:
- When you're driving downhill, shifting to a lower gear makes it much easier to keep your car's speed under control. You will have greater control than if you only used your manual brakes. Meanwhile, engine braking will keep your automobile from gaining too much momentum owing to gravity.
- When driving on ice or snow. You may lose traction if you depend too much on your manual brakes when driving on snow or ice. You may skid as a result of this. Engine braking, on the other hand, brings your vehicle to a significantly slower stop. You'll have far more control and be less prone to slip and slide this way. As a result, engine braking might provide you better control when driving in hazardous conditions. Another significant advantage of engine braking is that it lowers wear and tear on your brake pads.
Engine braking is a natural mechanism in the engine. It will not harm your vehicle. However, if you rely too much on gear shifts to slow your vehicle, you may eventually wear out your clutch plates.
Another thing to keep in mind, especially if you're a nervous or new driver: moving to a lower gear to slow your car requires you to take one hand off the steering wheel. In certain circumstances, this may offer you less control over a situation rather than more!
RM Nanyonga
2 years ago
Good clear questions
2 years ago
2 years ago
Excellent app.