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Hazard warning lights should be used when vehicles are _________.

A Broken down and causing an obstruction.

Don’t use hazard lights as an excuse for illegal parking. If you do use them, don’t forget to switch them off when you move away. There must be a warning light on the control panel to show when the hazard lights are in operation.

Related Information

What are hazard warning lights?

To alert other drivers that the vehicle is temporarily obstructing traffic, a pair of intermittently flashing indicator lights known as "hazard warning lights" would flash simultaneously. They go by the names hazard lights and hazard flashers as well. Typically, they are turned on by pushing a red triangle-shaped button on the dashboard. Some cars (often European models) have automated hazard warning lights that come on when the car is braking hard or in an accident.

When should you turn on your hazard warning lights?

They are there to alert other drivers that you are a temporary hazard, for instance, if you are changing a tire or have broken down on the side of the road. Use your hazard warning lights if you are being towed. You must use hand signals to indicate direction if you are being towed while utilizing your hazard lights since they take precedence over the indicators.

When is it not appropriate to utilize hazard warning lights?

When you are in traffic, you shouldn't utilize them. You shouldn't be parking illegally, thus you shouldn't be using them to alert other drivers that you parked illegally. Any signaling with your indicators won't be visible if your hazard warning lights are on while you're driving.


Hadeeza Femi-Yusuff

2 years ago


Lucy fkn Rowe

2 years ago

Used this app for maybe an hour, got 49/50 on the multiple choice in my test.

Natalia Joanna Witczak

2 years ago

Very good programme to use

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